Name: Jordan-Marley Due Date: 14/12/2009 Born: 23/12/2009 Weight: 7lbs 9oz Pregnancy: 41weeks+2days Day's Late: 9 days late Labour: 8 hours 49 minutes Delivery: Natural Birth Pain Relief: Gas & Air,pethadin+epidural
i was due 14th december 2009 but just my luck i went over so i tried a lot of stuff walking'curry nothing worked so i kinda just give up and said he will come when he is ready + on the 17th december i went for my scan + they wanted to give me a sweep but i said no {male woud of had to of done it] so they asked me to phone my midwife and she would do a sweep on monday. i phoned and they got me in for monday. on the 18th december i woke up feeling sick so me + gary went a long walk to iceland and walked back home that night i went to my mums while I was there the house got raided by the cops and next think i new there was pains going up my back + tummy was killing me so me + gary got bored and played the wii try take my mind of the contractions at 12:00pm i went to the hospital and they did the sweep and told me i was 1cm dilated and i was in slow labour. The next day my contractions stopped and everything was ok bit wired :O my contractions started again on sunday really bad i stayed in my mums till the 21st december then went home on the 22nd me and gary were in bed eating pizza + drinking some milk and my contractions started getting really bad i could not sit down or walk we went to the hospital and i was 1 halfcm dilated i felt like crying. so the midwife that did my sweep had a we look at my notes and said this is taken to long so she send me off for a bath + after my bath i had an other sweep and then i was 2cm dilated + my contractions started getting really bad just be4fore 11:00pm so they did and other sweep and i was 3cm dilated so they phoned the labour ward and took me down there i was on gas and air till around 4:00 and they did a sweep again and i was only 4cm dilated so they said they would break my waters but they tried and they would not break :( the midwife asked me to take the epidural so i did even low i was not going to but i was so tired and in pain and was worrying if i could push the baby out cuase i havin been sleeping well at all since i went in to slow labour :O so i got it and they tried to break my waters again and they broke and a while before 6:49am i felt really wired down below so i told my midwife and she said u sould feel nothing down there cause the epidural worked so i asked her to have a look and she did and said you can push when ever you want hes ready to be born and a few pushes he was born at 6:49am . the midwife stayed with me till i had jordan even low she only had to stay in till 5 . she was so so nice
and silly hospital had no room for me in the labour ward with the rest of the mothers so put me in a room in an other part of the hospital till there was room and they said go take a bath or a shower and they just left me there alone with jordan i did not see anyone till they moved me i was so fucked off cause i did not wanna leave jordan alone cuz i told gary to go home cause he did not sleep all night well i made him go home :L:L
i felt so happy but so dirty i was still all blood till they moved me at 12 and they done it while all the visters were in and told my family they could not see me till i was in the ward with all the other mothers and the time they got in to see me they had to leave a few mins after again thank god gary got to stay but best of all they let me and jordan out the next day even low i could not walk :L
and id gladly do it all again was the best day of my life
Jordan now
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